The SMP Concept-based 3D Constitutive Models for Geomaterials
The book discusses the SMP criterion, a three-dimensional extension of the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion, and its integration with the Cam-clay model for various geomaterials. It combines theoretical models and experimental data, serving as a resource for geotechnical professionals and students. Authored by Professors Hajime Matsuoka and De’an Sun, recognized for their contributions to the field.
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「D・Box工法の設計・施工の基礎 ~地盤育成強化と液状化・振動・地震動低減~」(森北出版)
2020年10月 森北出版株式会社より新著書の出版をさせていただいております。
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The SMP Concept-based 3D Constitutive Models for Geomaterials
2006年 Taylor & Francis(旧A. A. Balkema)社(D. A. Sunと共著)Amazonで購入...
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A New Earth Reinforcement Method using Soilbags
2006年 Taylor & Francis(旧A. A. Balkema)社(S. H. Liuと共著)Amazonで購入...
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